Phase II - Infobutton Responder
The Cycle 1 Innovation project #182, Infobuttons for CPRS, delivered a production-ready "infobutton manager" to support infobuttons in CPRS or AViVA (as a CPRS successor / next generation clinical practice environment). However, VA itself has no way to supply content to infobuttons. This project will lead to an open source "infobutton responder" that can be used by VA to supply its own content in addition to that available from external electronic knowledge sources. E.g., a PBM white paper on a specific medication could be among the content delivered when a clinician clicked on an infobutton for that drug when ordering it or reviewing it on the meds list. This is a key component to providing VA-generated knowledge through infobuttons. Note that such VA content could be generated at the facility / VISN / or national level. Providing context-specific knowledge at the point of care is a core capability, and providing =VA= knowledge is clearly essential. This innovation builds on foundations laid in a previously successful project (see Phase I), and increases significantly the value of the earlier work.
Phase II of this project is being carried on by the team at the University of Utah Biomedical Informatics Department.
Project deliverables and milestones:
- Release 0.1 - infobutton responder without terminology expansion - Completed
- Release 0.2 - includes terminology expansion - October 31st 2013
- Release 0.3 - authoring tool - January 31st 2014