LITE Users Guide
LITE (Librarian Infobutton Tailoring Environment) is a Web client application that allows domain experts, such as medical librarians, with no IT background to configure online resources that can be offered within a local OpenInfobutton instance. The tool is similar to the concept of an app store or music store. The tool allows:
- Downloading resource profiles from a cloud-based profile store
- Changing the status of local resource profiles (e.g., active, test, inactive)
- Adding and editing local profiles
The first beta release of LITE was made available on 02/24/2015. This Users' Guide will continue to be updated as we test the application and receive feedback from beta users.
First time use
Once OpenInfobutton is installed, LITE will be available through http://[your server host name]:8000/app/
The first time you use LITE, you need to provide a few system configuration parameters.
- You will be prompted to provide a GitHub account username. GitHub is the cloud repository we use for storing online resource profiles.
- If you don't have a GitHub account, you can obtain one for free at
- Click on the System Configuration tab
- Provide your OpenInfobutton server host name as indicated on the screen shot below.
- Under "Profile Configuration", click "Add" to add your institution(s) OID(s) or DSN(s).
- OID is a universal unique identifier system managed by ISO. You can check here if your organization has an OID. Otherwise you can use your organization's DNS. For example, for the University of Utah, the DNS would be
The Profile Store
If you installed a brand new instance of OpenInfobutton, your local database will have no resource profiles installed. If you migrated from a previous version (version 1.6 or older), your local database will have a set of profiles that are still available in the "Custom Resources" tab.
To view and download profiles available in the OpenInfobutton profile store:
- Click on the "Resource Store" tab as indicated on the screen shot below.
- Click "Download" next to the resource profile you would like to enable on your OpenInfobutton instance
To change the status of a profile downloaded from the OpenInfobutton profile store:
- A downloaded profile will have its initial status set to "Test" so it can be tested before you release it to production.
- To change the profile status, click on one of the following buttons:
- Enabled: the resource will be available in production within your EHR system
- Test: the resource will be available for testing only
- Disabled: the resource will be unavailable. You can still re-enable it later.
To update a profile downloaded from the OpenInfobutton profile store:
- If a new version of a store profile is available in the profile store, an "update" button will be displayed next to the profile as indicated below.
- Click "update" to download the latest version.
- The updated profile is downloaded with a status of "test". Click "enable" to make the profile available for production use within your institution's EHR.
Custom Resource Profiles
You can create your own profiles for resources that are not available at the Profile Store.
To add a new custom profile or edit an existing profile:
- Click on the "Custom Resources" tab.
- To add a new profile, click the "+" sign next to the label "Custom Resources"
- To edit an existing profile, click on the profile logo or name
- Complete the form as follows:
- Name: A label for the resource to be displayed in LITE (e.g., PubMed).
- Logo URL: Hyperlink for a logo of the resource
- Supported terminologies: select the standard terminologies that are supported by the resource if any.
- URL: the base URL for the resource's Web service.
- Define the EHR contexts in which the resource is relevant.
- Complete the form as follows:
Infobutton Responder Profile
The Infobutton Responder is a separate component that allows indexing local documents (e.g., a hospital's pain management protocol), which are typically stored within a healthcare organization's intranet. A resource profile needs to be configured in the Infobutton Manager to enable the Infobutton Responder as one of the resources used by the Infobutton Manager in infobutton requests. Three steps need to be followed to create this profile:
- Open the general Infobutton Responder profile from the Resource Store in LITE by clicking on the profile's title.
- Copy the XML content that is displayed on the screen.
- On the Custom Resources tab, click the "+" button to create a new Custom Profile.
- Type a name for the profile
- Paste the XML content copied on Step #2 above into the "Content" box.
- Between the <authorizedOrganizations></authorizedOrganizations> tag, add the following tag with the OID or DSN of your organization (in most cases this is the same information provided in the System Configuration tab)
- <authorizedOrganization name="[Replace with your organization's name]" id="[Replace with your organization's OID or DSN]"/>
- If the Infobutton Responder is installed on a different server than the Infobutton Manager, replace "localhost" in the following tag with the Infobutton Responder server address;
- <knowledgeRequestServiceLocation url="http://localhost:8080/openInfobutton/responder?knowledgeResponseType=text/xml&"/>
- and click "Create"
Infobutton Responder Indexing
To create a document link within the Infobutton Responder:
- Click the "Infobutton Responder" tab.
- Click on the "+" sign next to "Infobutton Responder".
- Type the document name, its URL, and choose a MIME type (e.g., HTML, PDF, MS Word).
- Click "Create". The new document will be added to the top of the Infobutton Responder's list.
After a document link is created, the next is step is to index the document:
- Click on the document title.
- Click on the "+" sign next to "Index Properties"
- On the pop-up window, select an index property that is relevant for this document.
- For example, if the document is only relevant for female patients, choose "Gender" and then "Female" from the pick list below. If the document applies to all options of a particular property (e.g., all age groups), this property does not need to be selected.
- Task Context and Main Search Criteria are the only properties that are required.
- Click Submit
- Repeat the process until all relevant properties and values have been added.
The "Main Search Criteria" is a special property that requires searching suitable codes that capture the most important clinical concepts in the document. The Main Search Criteria dialogue includes a pick list with allowed code systems and fields for a code and a display name. Suitable codes can be searched using terminology browsers such as the one available at the NCBO Bioportal (
To search for a specific Infobutton Responder link:
- Click on the Infobutton Responder tab.
- Type the document/link title on the Search box located on the top right side of the screen.
- As each character is typed, the list of available documents will shrink down to the ones whose title includes the string typed on the search box.
To delete an Infobutton Responder link:
- Click on the document/link title.
- Click the "Delete" button.
To update an Infobutton Responder link:
- Click on the document/link title.
- Edit any of the fields provided on the screen (e.g., Name, URL).
- Click the "Update" button.